Miskatonic University Professor Sheds Light on Astounding Discovery in Templar Church in Western Spain

Arkham, Massachusetts — In a quiet, unassuming church in Western Spain, originally built by the Order of the Knights Templar, a groundbreaking discovery has been made that could rewrite the history of this enigmatic order. The find was analyzed by Professor Dietrich Weiss of Miskatonic University’s Department of Ancient History, who has provided an in-depth interpretation of its significance.

The Discovery

The church, which has stood for centuries as a relic of the past, revealed its secret when a small alcove was discovered behind a bricked-up wall. This wall is believed to have been sealed around the time the Knights Templar were hunted down in 1307. Behind it, a relief was found depicting three figures:

  • On the left: A bearded man in a tunic, similar to those worn by members of the Order of the Knights Templar, holding a cross to his chest with his right hand and bearing a Templar cross on his left chest.
  • In the center: A demon with two long horns, laughing, with both arms raised.
  • On the right: A knight holding a sword in front of him, possibly a member of the Knights Templar.

Intriguingly, two pentagrams were also found between the figures, one between the bearded man and the demon, and another between the demon and the knight.

Professor Dietrich Weiss’s Analysis

Professor Weiss, a leading authority on medieval history and religious orders, was invited to examine the find. “This is an extraordinary discovery,” he said. “It challenges our understanding of the Knights Templar and raises questions about the accusations that led to their downfall.”

Weiss explained that the Templars were accused of idolatry and devil worship, which led to their persecution and eventual dissolution. “This relief could be a representation of the very heresies that were attributed to them. The presence of the pentagrams is particularly intriguing, as they were often associated with occult practices.”

He continued, “The bearded man and the knight could very well represent members of the Templar order, torn between their Christian faith and the temptations or realities of other, darker practices. The demon in the center could symbolize the very accusations that brought them down.”

Implications for History

According to Professor Weiss, this discovery could be a pivotal moment in Templar studies. “It could either substantiate the claims made against the Templars, or perhaps suggest that they were more complex figures than history has painted them to be. Either way, it opens up new avenues for research and understanding.”

The relief is expected to undergo further analysis and conservation efforts.

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